This summer, we’re trying out an alternative work schedule. Instead of our standard Monday through Friday, 7:30am – 4:00pm schedule, we will be working ten-hour days Monday through Thursday. Our office hours will be 7:00am to 5:30pm. We will be closed on Fridays.

On Fridays, if you need us, we will continue to be on call just like we are every weekend and holiday. We also continue to make it easy to handle billing-related services through the 24/7 kiosk at our office or on SmartHub by logging into your account on our website.

We decided to try this schedule for several reasons. First, we anticipate it will improve our operational efficiency. This allows our crews to spend one less day prepping and commuting to a work site and to spend more time on the work sites during the days we’re working. It also allows us to take advantage of the long sunny days and to hopefully avoid some of the worst traffic of summer. Basically, we can get more work done with less time spent driving around.

A second expected advantage of this schedule is that it allows us to offer our members in person hours outside of the normal workday by opening earlier and staying open later. This should help provide options for members who work a traditional 8am – 5pm schedule and struggle to make it to our office during work hours.

Aside from the operational advantages, the biggest driver of this decision is our employees. We work in an industry that requires us to work weekends, holidays and any other time the lights go out. In the summer, our employees often work brutal schedules to keep up with our workload. Studies show that employees who work four 10-hour days tend to be more productive, less burned out, happier, and just generally less stressed.

Offering this adjusted summer schedule for our employees is expected to improve recruitment and retention of our workforce. Today’s workers are looking for flexibility and work-life integration. The work we do at Cherryland can at times limit the flexibility we have to offer and can often interfere in our employees’ home lives. Ask any lineworker and they’ll tell you a story of the storm that hit during their child’s birthday, the big state finals game, and Christmas eve.

We think this new summer schedule will be better for our employees, better for our cooperative and ultimately better for you. It’s a simple way for us to make ourselves more efficient while also protecting our most important asset – the people who work every day to keep your lights on.

This modified summer schedule starts on June 3 and ends on August 30. If it works well, we will likely continue to shift between summer and winter hours on a similar schedule going forward.