Confession time—I’m one of the people who stood in line outside an Apple store to get one of the first iPhones. Super nerdy, I know. But, in all fairness, the iPhone absolutely revolutionized how people use their phones. Still, that first iPhone would probably feel pretty clunky compared to today’s technology.

That’s kind of how technology works. Occasionally you get things that are revolutionary, but you more frequently have to upgrade your devices to keep from falling behind. This is where we find ourselves with our metering system.

Since 2008, we have been operating an automated metering system that used the power lines to communicate with the cooperative. When we installed this technology, it absolutely revolutionized how we do business because we no longer needed to manually read meters and we had much more data about energy usage flowing through our meters. However, that technology has become old and outdated, and it no longer plays nice with many of our other systems. It is increasingly expensive to maintain and has become a major limiting factor in modernizing the service we provide to you.

That’s why we are replacing our entire metering system over the next two years. The new system uses wireless technology to communicate with the cooperative.

Our new metering system will have many benefits for you. Here are a few highlights:

1. These meters can communicate with the cooperative even when we don’t have power because they communicate wirelessly instead of over the power lines. This means that when your power goes out, your meter is going to let us know so we can dispatch crews even faster and get you up and running without you even having to call us.

2. The new meters give us a communication network throughout our system that will help us identify hazards and catch them before they become outages, which will increase your electric reliability.

3. This system is capable of real-time data reporting that will improve what data you can access about your electric usage in SmartHub.

4. Upgrading our system now sets us up to incorporate future advancements in grid-related technology.

We’re clearly very excited to get the new system up and running. We’ve been operating on an iPhone 1 for long enough and we look forward to using this new technology to continue to improve your service experience.

Video Update May 2024
Cherryland’s Metering System Upgrades