Co-op Board Holds Public Meetings Regarding Rate Change

This month, Cherryland’s board of directors will hold two special meetings at the cooperative office in Grawn regarding a proposed rate change. If approved, the rate change would go into effect in May and first appear on bills in June.

A meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 12, at 5:30 p.m. to provide information regarding the proposed rate change and allow members to ask questions of Cherryland staff and board members while offering feedback before the official public meeting. RSVP HERE

An official public meeting will be held on Monday, March 18, at 9 a.m. before the monthly board meeting. Members are welcome to provide public comments to the board during that time. For more information regarding the proposed rate change, visit our website,

Cooperative staff will meet with you or your civic group, neighborhood, or home association at any time to discuss the proposed rate change and answer your questions.

Serve On Cherryland’s Board

Any qualified Cherryland member can be elected to serve a three-year term on the cooperative’s board of directors. Two directors will be elected at this year’s Annual Meeting, including one at-large director and one Grand Traverse/Kalkaska County director.

To be nominated in 2024, candidates can file a petition with the cooperative’s administrative assistant starting the first day of March until 4 p.m. on the last business day of March. To receive an official petition to begin collecting signatures, please fill out the board candidate interest form available on our website.

Review Article III of the co-op’s bylaws on our website for more information regarding board nominations and the election process.

Cherryland Offers Five Scholarships

Cherryland offers five scholarships—three worth $4,000 ($1,000 for four years) for high school seniors and two for $1,000 each for adult scholarships (post high school).

Applications for both scholarships are available on our website. The deadline for applications is Friday, April 5.

Save The Date For Cherryland’s 86th Annual Meeting

Cherryland’s 86th Annual Meeting will take place Thursday, June 13. The Annual Meeting’s planned location is Incredible Mo’s in Grawn. Cherryland will provide updates regarding the 86th Annual Meeting in Michigan Country Lines, on our website, and through social media.