Have you ever hopped on a stool only to realize that one of the legs is too short? We’ve all had that wobbly feeling at least once. It’s an uneasy feeling.

When it comes to power supply, our job is a bit like keeping a three-legged stool steady. We must balance the need for electric reliability, affordability, and managing environmental impact. When we fail to find that balance, we’re on a wobbly stool. And, unfortunately, that’s often where we find ourselves in Michigan today.

Michigan continues to rapidly retire the workhorses of our always-available electric generating fleet—coal, nuclear, and natural gas plants. We are replacing those plants with renewable resources, but they produce power intermittently and the pace at which we are building them cannot keep up with the need in our state. The reliability leg of our stool is pretty short.

We also face incredible volatility in the power supply markets due to both shrinking supply and increasing exposure to volatile natural gas prices. We’ve seen this price volatility across the U.S., with market prices ranging from almost negative to over $2,000/MWh in the last few years. The affordability leg of our stool is pretty unpredictable.

That’s why I’m pleased to share with you that our power supplier, Wolverine Power Cooperative, has entered into an agreement with Holtec International to restart the Palisades Nuclear Power Plant in southwest Michigan. Holtec will own and operate the plant; we have committed to purchasing a majority of the output of that plant on behalf of our members.

Adding this nuclear power into our power supply portfolio will shore up the three legs of our stool:

Electric Reliability

Today, Michigan is dependent on importing power from outside the state 88% of the time. When up and running, Palisades will provide enough energy to power 800,000 Michigan homes. Palisades is not only important to our co-op, but also crucial to electric reliability in Michigan.

Cost Stability

In an era of increasing price volatility, this power purchase agreement allows us to lock in stable and predictable pricing. In 2022, market energy prices were double the historic average. Without long-term power supply contracts, those market rates could have increased the average Cherryland member’s bill by $40/month. The commitment to Palisades secures future price stability and competitive rates for decades to come.


We are already a leader in Michigan, powering our members with over 60% carbon-free energy today. Once Palisades resumes operation, there is the potential for us to significantly increase

our carbon-free energy supply. Our commitment to Palisades represents the foundation of our continued leadership in carbon-free energy.

Palisades offers us a unique opportunity to improve the reliability of Michigan’s grid, protect the affordability of members’ bills, and continue our efforts to lower the carbon emissions impact of our portfolio.

By committing to Palisades, we are keeping your stool stable. That’s our job— keep the lights on for you, keep your rates affordable, and keep pursuing the energy we need to serve you into the future.

Video Update October 2023
Commitment to Nuclear Power