Cherryland’s 85th Annual Meeting Scheduled for June 15

Cherryland’s 85th Annual Meeting will take place Thursday, June 15, from 4 to 8 p.m. at Incredible Mo’s in Grawn. For more information about this year’s event, check out page 13 of this issue, head to our website, or find details on any of our social media platforms.

Cherryland Scholarships Awarded To Local High School Seniors And Adult Learners

Three high school seniors and two adult learners were awarded 2023 Cherryland Electric Cooperative scholarships. The three high school scholarships are worth $4,000 each—$1,000 per year for four years. The adult scholarships are a one-time award of $1,000 each.

Student scholarship recipients: Peyton Metz (Traverse City West Senior High School), Emma Nelson (Leland Public School), and Bethany Schutte (Traverse City West Senior High School).

Adult scholarship recipients: Mallory MacDonald of Lake Ann and Ava Plamondon of Lake Ann.

Cherryland Cares Supports Local Nonprofits

Cherryland Cares distributes funds to local nonprofit organizations in need of financial support. The funds distributed by Cherryland Cares are a result of members electing to round up their monthly bills to the nearest dollar. Members can contribute to the Cherryland Cares fund by calling 231-486-9200, signing up through SmartHub, or emailing [email protected].

If you are an area nonprofit agency seeking financial help, visit for information on how to apply. For additional details, please call Dawn Garrock at 231-486-9234 or email [email protected].

Co-op Office Closed Independence Day

The Cherryland office will be closed Tuesday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day. Normal business hours will resume Wednesday, July 5.

Line crews are on call to respond to any outages or emergencies. You can report an outage by texting OUT to 800-442-8616, logging into SmartHub, or calling us at 231-486-9200. Visit our website’s Outage Center for more details.

Pictured: Every spring, Cherryland employees volunteer with Adopt-a-Highway to clean up our community! This year, 10 employees collected 25 bags of trash along U.S.-31 South between the Cherryland office in Grawn and Interlochen.