Electric cooperatives have had energy waste reduction (EWR) measures for decades. We’ve also called them energy-saving programs and energy optimization measures in the past. All three titles mean the same thing—use the product of electricity wisely. It made sense from the 1960s to now. It will make sense in the 2020s and beyond.
I believe it is time to toss out terms like waste, savings, and optimization. I believe it is time to focus on what we have been trying to do all along— reduce carbon. Wasn’t that the goal of the last 10 years of government energy waste reduction mandates in Michigan?
Electric cooperatives no longer have a mandate to sell less of our product. This sunsetting of a state law doesn’t mean we don’t have a responsibility to continue to do the right thing. Where we can do it affordably, sensibly and at a meaningful scale, I believe the right thing is reducing carbon.
So, this is where we are going with our rebate programs at Cherryland while selling our only product at the same time. Our rebates will basically stay very similar to the past. We want to promote electric vehicles, electric heating systems, Energy Star appliances, etc. We have one product to sell and remain honored to be the ones to provide it to you.
What will change behind the scenes is how we measure our success. In cooperation with an outside engineering firm, we have developed methods and procedures to calculate emissions, based on our actual fuel mix. That’s allowed us to create credibly sourced carbon reduction calculations for the rebates we offer. We now have the ability to analyze the emissions reduction impact of every measure we offer a rebate for in order to support future program design in the years ahead.
Why did we hire a contractor to develop this new process? Well, honestly, I would much rather prefer to “steal” it from another utility that was already doing it. We looked around and didn’t find one. It’s not the first time (community solar, two-way outage texting, etc.) and won’t be the last.
Why establish such a system at all? We want to get out ahead of our future. When I read the political “tea leaves,” I see a future market for carbon savings or government mandates for carbon savings (maybe both?). Your cooperative wants to be able to help shape that future when it arrives. We can’t do that if we have not done the trial and error it takes to see what really works. When I talk to a legislator in the future to encourage them to do “Y,” I will be able to tell them all the reasons that “X” doesn’t work.
What if we never get to the world that ever measures carbon? I look forward to that world because it would mean that the universe finally agreed on the effects of carbon on our changing weather. Does anybody think the universe will ever agree? Cherryland staff members are rolling up their sleeves and getting to work rather than sitting idly by and waiting for universal consensus.
This column doesn’t mean I am on one side or the other of a climate change debate. It simply means that I feel my industry is going in a direction. With affordability and reliability in mind, it is my job to set up your cooperative for success with whatever the next generation of legislators throws on my plate. As energy waste reduction walks out the back door and carbon reduction strolls in the front entrance, we are moving forward.
Whatever you call it I have always been in favor of being a good Steward of what God has given us. I appreciate all efforts to keep it clean however we are not in a place where we can turn off fossil fuels and simply go with wind and solar power. There is no infrastructure for it and the average American cannot afford these measures. I do thank you for your efforts
I agree. We will never be 100% wind and solar. I know, I know … that simple statement can/will create some negative responses in this forum. . Regardless, it’s true. What we can do is be better at EVERY fuel and every rebate program. That is all our carbon reduction efforts are … an attempt to be a little better today than we were yesterday. Let’s not debate what the world will be in 10 years. Let’s all DO something today to move us toward whatever our vision of that world might be. Thanks for the thoughtful input.
From a person of the trade for over 55 years you could not be further from reality and actual achievement. Energy is over abundant, Energy is not a finite thing the amount needed is always available. It is like gravity. When and where ever it is needed it is unlimited abundance. This is the principle that is totally against your assumptions. If humanity is to assume your assumptions we would all be struggling to fit on a flat surface with only the wind and our legs to provide us with movement. Oh my gosh some one invented the wheel and rolled it down a hill. That “hill” is gas, oil, coal, wood and atomic energy. In that flat world they would always be necessary, in demand and scarce. In that world Chicken Little was telling a wordily truth, when hail was plummeting is sorry head. I have two homes in Florida that produce more energy than they consume each and every month of the year. Yes’ Sunny Florida’ you say; why that is at the top of the hill . I also have two homes in Michigan. They though not at the bottom of the hill are so far down that they need: Oil, coal wood, atomic energy and at least “Gas” so abundant here in Michigan, So easily stored in the ground under The Great Lakes State. So because of the bottom of the hill the availability of carbon energy those two 3000 plus home require carbon! Not for the last 27 years did those two bottom dweller homes use even one third the amount of carbon energy both summer and winter as you assume in your limited view… Over 27 years ago someone who did not fear the sky of falling, talked DTE Energy into going with Geo-thermal for heating and Air Conditioning of those bottom dwelling homes. One the larger of the two even became DTE’s most efficient homes. In today’s world only state congressional, PSC keep those two hill top homes and those two bottom dweller homes from being completely “energy independent. So now it is not just Oil, coal, atomic “Gas” and Chicken Little produced energy, that are holding up the use of always overabundant energy but our own state congress and PSC! All types of functional presently working over abundant top of the hill wheels are available and just lying around waiting to be used. Just one man with 55 plus years of actual experience with delivering energy two homes across this nation and even Canada.
There is a lot to unwrap here. In the world where I have worked for almost 39 years, energy is definitely finite. There is not an unlimited abundance of any form of energy. Respectfully, I would ask why the homes in Florida are connected to the grid if they are producing more energy than they consume. Again, with all due respect, I assume it is because the sun does set in Florida and the grid provides the power at those times. You are likely using the grid as your battery storage rather than storing the energy on site for your personal use. We can agree on the efficiency of geothermal heating systems for homes. They work very well and I have had one in my home for over 10 years. We will have to agree to disagree on what is holding up the use of always overabundant energy. I am not a chicken little nor do I believe the earth is flat. I just know from experience that “always overabundant energy” is not realistic in my world. Just one man with 39 years of experience delivering energy to thousands of homes in 7 different states (19 of the 39 years have been in Michigan).
Gotta absolutely love the irony of a man with 4 homes and the financial resources to equip all with expensive solar and geothermal setups lecturing the poor masses on the evils of relatively inexpensive and utterly reliable nature-based fossil fuels. It doesn’t get much better than that, although the possibility exists that it was a simple April Fool’s Day stunt.
Tony, a good article! So glad you are “our” manager of Cherryland.
I did not call you chicken little. That would mean hail hit you in the head. This I certainly have no knowledge of. The Chicken Little is and always have my view of over 55 years of energy experience directly in 15 states and Canada. I do think my national experience in negotiating nation wide policy and my small author experience in both Federal and state of Michigan Law puts me on a very different hill but one with 50 years of actual effect. All your employees have and are protected by those efforts. Now, if I may bring back a little history of my chicken little presentation. Yes I too took the chicken little philosophy. That is when you in all respect told me you do not believe me. In reference to the detrimental effects of atomic energy to and on the great lakes specifically and to the green house effects to not flat but rather round planet earth. Because you have not gone down that “the sky is rising” opinion I will give you the benefit of the doubt that your views have changed to be in line with mine and the scientific world. Besides this was years ago and I make as many mistakes as the next person. Energy i”IS” abundant and without limit with diminishing effects where it is not needed in what I agree with you as; ‘here and now’ Need… If the President of the United States had not been put in charge of the national grid by the founding fathers, I would not have the wire to replace what nature Wind, Fire and physical destruction of accidents caused. The president like “you”, made sure that what you and I call “plant”; wire, power plants and transformers were and are in basically ‘unlimited supply’. Just in time delivery is a figment of ignorant management as everyone on this planet now knows. ( chips, medical backups, and sufficient ports of disbursements. That is basically “your” argument in again telling me ” I do not believe you”. in a much more friendly manor. Thanks. Now for those two homes in Florida you have made assumptions about; Those two homes in Florida do have on site battery back up and “unlimited refueling available to them!!! The list of lithium storage battery producers would fill over several pages of documentation. The new in Portland Washing produced and in service ferrous ion batteries being installed in to many to mention gigantic factories and distributing plans all over the Northern States and Canada and Europe are also to many to list. I do not wish to state a reason for the state of Florida not allowing over production of free always abundant ‘customer produced energy’ as that would be, political in explanation. . It has nothing to do with the Sun setting in Florida… not for this forum. I should hope you agree. It has more to do with law. What is realistic in your view, is much more important to the Coop customers of a great company than your personal opinion. In this pointed case you are “king” and your decisions should only reflect what is good for the future of Cherryland Electric Cooperative . I also have European and South American experience with Wind and solar and hydro energy production, distribution and a completely different unlimited and without cost to its users, actual use of energy company supplied to the public not just members.. I welcome your questions and assumptions They give a chance to explain energy to our fellow members.
Tony, Thank you for sharing what is being done instead of crying wolf! As a owner of 3 Geo with closed loop systems (not concurrently! ) Geo systems are honored to be counted among the good stewards of Michigan. Keep up the great work and regards
Cheers to Toney Anderson, the right man in the right job acting with a clear head so other generations can breath…
Tony, it is no longer a debate. It is a fight for a better world for our grandchildren. You need to give your customers the opportunity to vote with their money. You need to provide step function improvements, not modest LED exchanges. In Eagle Colorado we paid a modest $5 extra each month for 100% Renewable via Holy Cross Energy. You did not look very far for a leadership example.
Our power supply portfolio is 63% carbon free and moving higher. I won’t do gimmicks like the $5 extra for 100% carbon free. I promise you Holy Cross is not 100% carbon free in reality. A quick check of their website shows that they are 44% renewable. Often the 100% promises revolve around things like planting trees or renewable energy credits that “offset” the carbon in their portfolio or in an average home. Using carbon based fuels and offsetting them is NOT 100% renewable. Your present cooperative is almost 50% better than Holy Cross. Every member of Cherryland is at 63% carbon free, not just the ones who want to pay $5 and feel good about themselves. I have grandkids. I care about everyone’s grandkids. I am serious about real results. I wish more utilities were too. Thanks for the input.
Thank you for the interesting discussion on energy issues and carbon reduction. As a customer of CE, I would like it to be known that I support efforts to make energy cleaner and to reduce the amount of carbon that goes into the air. I am of the opinion that climate change is significantly driven by human activity, and I also believe that a scientific consensus has been reached, so it was disappointing to read Tony’s disavowal. Perhaps your dealings with legislators leads you to say that there is no consensus, but the overwhelming data says otherwise. In any event, I think carbon reduction, including an accurate accounting of renewables, is a step in the right direction if we wish to avoid the worst impacts of drought, wildfires, storms, sea rise and other climate change impacts. Plus, these impacts exert a significant financial toll on society. I am willing to pay more as a consumer, not to make myself feel better, but because this may be necessary to achieve meaningful results.
I would not call my position a “disavowal”. I simply choose to not have the argument because it goes nowhere. What I choose to do is seek results. In my 19 years at Cherryland, the power supply provided to us by Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, our sole provider of wholesale power, has grown from close to zero percent renewable to 63% carbon free. I will stand on that measurable result. To every organization that wants to get into the climate debate, I ask one thing: “What have you done?” Show me the depth and breadth of your measurable results. Sadly, too often, all they can show is words and a desire to have the argument. That mentality gets us nowhere. I don’t mean to be argumentative or disrespectful. I am simply a grandfather who wants results from every corner and not arguments over who is right or how right one might be. Thanks for your insight.
Your approach sounds very sensible, Tony. I love that we’re 63% carbon free. How much of that is nuclear?
We have power purchase agreements from out of state nuclear plants that amount to about 43% of our total portfolio.
Why not use wind solar capacitor and battery back up along with “discounted rates” to self producers in those time of the year that limit the supplementation of the purchase of atomic and fossil fuel. WHY!!! You are the direction of the future of cherryland.
Carbon reduction is a progressive (marxist) action action agenda brought on by questionable and highly motivated extremism. Be very cautious when quacking like a duck.
I have one question in this regard. Why is there so much reference to the need for electric vehicles when it is so well known how much power has to come from “somewhere” to charge them, that the cost of that power far outweighs the savings of burning fuel, that there is documentation of horrendous fires at charging stations (the video I saw was from Germany I believe), and that they are an expense well beyond the average Americans’ means???
Electric vehicles are coming. Like Henry Ford’s Model T vs the horse drawn carriage, they are coming and there is no stopping them. We will figure out the energy piece. Much of the home charging will be done during low peak hours which will make better use of the available generation. The problem lies in shutting off generation without an equivalent replacement source. The prices will drop eventually so all Americans can afford them. I would not be concerned with videos from Germany. There will be rare situations with any technology. Innovation met the demand for infrastructure to serve Henry’s Model T. Innovation will once again solve this problem.