Several years ago, Cherryland Electric Cooperative started a net metering program for members who wanted to put wind or solar on individual homes in our service territory.

What is net metering? Net metering is simply a situation where an individual generates electricity with home solar or wind. This individual is also connected to and consuming electricity from the grid. One simply subtracts the energy consumed from the energy generated to get a “net” result.

If the energy generated exceeds the energy consumed, Cherryland currently pays the full cost of retail for the excess kilowatt hours (kWh) that are placed onto the grid. Today, this is almost 11 cents per kWh. It is a much higher price than hourly market prices or our overall wholesale costs but it was done to incentivize the growth of renewable energy. Most home generators put little onto the grid after their in-home usage. So, the subsidy, while growing, is small.

Today, the wind and solar industries are much more mature than when the present net metering program was started so long ago. Prices for wind and solar equipment have dropped. As we watched and weighed trends across the country, it became clear that it was the appropriate time to end the subsidy.

All net metering installations signing up and producing energy on or after November 1, 2016 will receive a market rate for all energy put onto the grid. This rate will change annually as we calculate our average cost of market power. Over the last year or so, the price would have been in the 3-4 cents per kWh range.

Present net metering members will be grandfathered at the full retail price. These members made financial decisions based on the price in place at the time. The Cherryland board doesn’t feel that it would be fair to alter the arrangement made with these members.

Even after November 1st, members will still offset the full price of retail for the energy used inside the home. It is important to remember that this switch to market rates only affects the small amount of energy put out on the grid. Thus, members will need to use 2 different payback rates in any pre-purchase calculations.

Net Metering Infographic

Click on the Infographic to see how the new net metering rate works

The board and I also believe this change is about leadership. We were participants in the first commercial wind farm in Michigan and also creators of the first community solar project in the state. Along with other distribution cooperative owners of Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, Cherryland’s renewable portfolio will exceed 30% of our total wholesale mix of generation in 2017. This will give us yet one more first place position in renewable power.

Thus, it is only natural that we attempt to set an example and lead the way to market based net metering. We took a long look at this issue in an attempt to be proactive while giving our members adequate notice.

Cherryland is committed to renewable energy in a fair and affordable manner. This philosophy has grown our renewable portfolio to a “best in class” position. This small change to a market based net metering rate is consistent with that philosophy. We look forward to using this rate to work with members who have the same philosophy and commitment.



Still want to learn more? We made a quick podcast to help explain the rate. Check it out here.

We will be holding a Net Metering Meeting, open to all Cherryland members, on March 15th to discuss the rate and answer any questions.