Member Data Privacy Policy FAQ
Questions about our privacy policy? Check out these frequently asked questions for quick answers or take a look at our Member Data Privacy Tariff.
Basically, we collect two types of information: personal data and electric use data. Personal data is your contact, billing, and payment information. Electric use data is any information gathered by our electric meters.
We also collect information that you provide to us for the purposes of participating in utility programs, such as bill payment assistance, shutoff protection, renewable energy, demand-side management, load management, or energy waste reduction.
We will not disclose your information to third parties or other inquirers without your consent. However, we may disclose your information without your consent if it’s required by law (warrants, court orders, subpoenas, etc.) or if it’s needed by co-op agents or contractors working on behalf of Cherryland. In both these scenarios, we will only disclose the necessary information needed to fulfill the purpose.
We don’t do it. That’s our policy.
Yes, you have a right to know what information we maintain about you, except for that which is used for internal co-op business purposes only.
Sure, all you need to do is complete a written “Informed Member Consent” request. Once we receive that request, just know that Cherryland is not responsible for loss, theft, alteration, or misuse of the data by third parties or members after the information has been transferred to you or your designated third party.
We will update the privacy policy on our website and notify you in Michigan Country Lines magazine.
Easy, just click the link below! If you would like a hard copy, call our office at (231) 486-9200 or email us at [email protected].
We never give board candidates your personal information. Candidates can request a contact list, which we give directly to the cooperative’s contracted vendor. That vendor has signed and agreed to our data privacy agreement. That means they agree to keep your information secure, destroy it after the postcards or e-mails are sent, and they agree not to share your information.
Candidates are limited to one e-mail per campaign. You can read more about our campaign communications policy here.